Sunday, June 15, 2008

Pictures from Lisa of Starlet

These picture are of Starlet and Lisa, and the trampoline.

Lisa says:

Starlet is my 3-year old, daughter of my first Rocky Mountain Horse,
Tira. Starlet loves clicker training and took to it immediately. I don't
get as much time with her as I would like due to my work/family
responsibilities, but when I do - she is fast as lightening to pick
something up.

We have also had the worst winter and Spring and the coldest June on record
so working with the horses has been challenging. But finally we had a nice
day on Saturday and Starlet and I worked on picking up feet willingly (she's
always been a little sticky on this one issue); bareback pad, touch the
tennis ball on the stick (preparatory to learning to bow, which is on our
list of to-dos), move your hip over, move your shoulder over, circle me and

Sunday we began with willing feet - (one step backwards - not as willing as
previous day) and so I decided not to belabor the feet but bring out
something new and exciting! My son dragged the trampoline over and Starlet,
after taking a bite of the styrofoam siding, put one foot on several times,
then she put two feet on so quick it took my breath away. She did it so
fast and so fearlessly that I barely had time to react.

I asked her to back up with a touch of my hand and the verbal cue "baaack"
and off she went.

Stopped for the day as it was a big accomplishment!

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